
Teeth grinding and Clenching

Do you often suffer from jaw pain or discomfort around your ears? You’re not alone. Many people grind or clench their teeth, which can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches, tension, soreness, and reduced jaw mobility.

The Hidden Dangers of Bruxism

Are you waking up with a sore jaw or frequent headaches? You might be one of the many Australians suffering from bruxism, a condition characterised by involuntary teeth grinding and clenching. This often unnoticed issue can lead to severe dental problems, including cracked teeth, jaw pain, and even long-term damage to your jaw joint (TMJ) if left untreated. Many people are unaware they grind their teeth at night until informed by a partner or dentist, making it crucial to recognise the signs early.

teeth clenching
teeth grinding and clenching

The Stress Factor

Stress is a leading contributor to bruxism today. Factors such as excessive screen time, poor sleep, and overwhelming workloads can exacerbate this condition. As your body reacts to stress, it may manifest in the form of teeth grinding or clenching, often without your conscious awareness. The consequences can be debilitating—muscle pain, tooth damage, and chronic headaches are just a few symptoms that can disrupt your daily life.

Effective Treatments and Lifestyle Changes

The good news is that there are effective strategies to combat bruxism. Here are some recommended approaches:

  • Mouthguards: Custom-fitted mouthguards can protect your teeth from grinding damage during sleep. Over-the-counter options are also available for daytime use.
  • Stress Management: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or regular exercise to alleviate stress.
  • Professional Help: Consult with a dentist for tailored advice and treatment options. They may recommend physiotherapy or muscle relaxants for severe cases.
  • Awareness Exercises: Keeping track of when you grind or clench can help identify triggers. Consider using an awareness chart to monitor your muscle tension throughout the day.

Taking action now can prevent further damage and improve your quality of life. If you suspect you have bruxism, don’t hesitate—reach out to a us today for an evaluation and personalised treatment plan. Your smile deserves it!

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Popular Questions Answered....

Some people can reduce their joint tension by being more consciously aware of it throughout the day. If you tend to clench your teeth due to stress or during exercise, you may be able to actively train your joints to relax through a more attuned state of mind.

Headaches, tension in the neck and shoulders, chipped teeth, and sore jaw muscles are some of the most common symptoms. We typically begin care by working with patients to help them become aware of when they grind or clench their teeth, so that they can consciously attempt to break the habit.
We’ll start with a consultation to get to know you and your goals. Then, we’ll develop a custom care plan for your needs and discuss if injections are right for you as well as how much product you will need to see results. If you’d like to continue with care, we’ll make an appointment for you to return. Then, you’ll have the product painlessly injected. Two weeks later, you’ll return for a follow-up visit where we’ll examine your results and ask how you’re feeling. If more product is required, we can top up at this time.
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