Sedation Dentistry

Oral and IV Sedation Dentistry available for anxious patients!


What is IV sedation?

During IV sedation, you’ll be in a relaxed state somewhere between awake and asleep. A specially trained dentist will give you medication through an IV (a thin tube placed in your vein) right at the dental office, helping you feel comfortable throughout your procedure.

Drowsy and calm

You might not remember much of the procedure.


Local anaesthetic is still used for extra comfort

At ease

No more jitters or worries!

sedation dentistry

IV sedation can also be utilised for general dentistry too. If your anxiety is preventing you from getting a dental cleaning, you can also opt to be sedated for your six-monthly check ups as well.

Sedation Dentistry/IV Sedation

Many people have anxiety about getting dental work done. Perhaps you had a negative experience as a child that kept you from getting the dental care you need. The good news is that at Beecroft Smiles Dental Surgery we offer IV sedation that allows you to get the dental work you need done in complete comfort.

Some patients may have a low tolerance for pain. Others may be fidgety or have a severe gag reflex, which makes sitting in the chair challenging. IV sedation may also be used for those patients who require complex procedures (e.g. wisdom teeth extractions, surgical dental procedures and implants). IV sedation makes the procedure much more comfortable for the patient and dental practitioner if it is particularly lengthy or complex.

Does this sound like you?

IV sedation might be your answer!
emergency wisdom tooth removal

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Who can Benefit from IV Sedation

People with low pain tolerance.

Those who struggle with fidgeting or gagging.

Patients undergoing complex procedures.

Extractions can be also carried out under sedation to help anxious patients who may be putting off having proper dental work done. Extractions can be done under sedation to help anxious patients have a better experience.

What to Expect

After the extraction, your blood starts to clot and begin to heal in the tooth’s empty socket. We’ll pack the area with gauze so that it can start the healing process. We’ll spend some time with you, answer any questions you may have, and talk about the healing process.

Complicated Extractions and Wisdom Teeth removal

  • Wisdom teeth removal usually involves a bit of surgery, whilst most patients are OK with it, some patients will choose IV sedation for their extraction. We apply the IV Sedation in the comfortable dental chair. With IV sedation, you will be in a deep state of relaxation during the procedure, which most people prefer, as it allows them to be more comfortable.
  • Our dentists are skilled in performing complicated extractions, such as wisdom tooth removal. We extract wisdom teeth for various reasons, whether the patient is in pain, getting food trapped, if the wisdom teeth are causing damage to the adjacent teeth or the patient has a gum or tooth infection.


Ready to ditch the fear and smile with confidence?

Contact Beecroft Smiles today! We’ll answer your questions and guide you through the process. Don’t let dental anxiety hold you back.

Happy patient
dr sharmila beecroft1

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During IV sedation, you are typically in a state of deep relaxation and may drift in and out of consciousness. While you may be able to respond to verbal cues or light physical stimulation, you are generally not fully aware of the procedure and may not remember it afterward.

IV sedation is designed to keep you comfortable and pain-free during a dental procedure. While you may be conscious to some extent, you should not feel significant pain or discomfort. Your dentist or oral surgeon will also administer local anesthesia to numb the area being treated, further minimizing any potential discomfort.

The duration of sedation effects can vary depending on the type and dosage of medication used, as well as individual factors such as metabolism. In general, the effects of IV sedation wear off relatively quickly after the procedure, but you may feel groggy or drowsy for several hours afterward. It’s essential to arrange for someone to drive you home and avoid operating heavy machinery or making important decisions until the effects of sedation have fully worn off.

Sedation and general anesthesia are both methods used to achieve a state of unconsciousness or reduced consciousness during medical procedures, but they differ in several key aspects:

  • Sedation is a milder form of anesthesia that induces relaxation and drowsiness while allowing the patient to remain conscious and responsive. It is commonly used for dental procedures and minor surgeries.
  • General anesthesia, on the other hand, results in a complete loss of consciousness and sensation. Patients under general anesthesia are fully unconscious and unable to feel pain or remember the procedure. It is typically used for more complex surgeries or procedures that require the patient to be completely still and unaware.
  • The medications used for sedation and general anesthesia also differ, with general anesthesia requiring stronger medications that are administered intravenously or through inhalation to achieve and maintain unconsciousness throughout the procedure.